Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Everything in its right place...

Today I’ll be writing the subjective world in between two different poles that emerge from our society! Everybody wants the answer for something in a concrete and absolute fashion, I mean, or something equals one or equals zero…
I suppose this obsessive form of viewing reality emerges from the urge of certainty and stability that we search for the way we live life. Science, based on mathematics, tries every day to confirm that this path is the right one. But what happens to everything that lies in-between 1 and 0?…and is the sum of two equal parts always equal to 2, or is it something more (A bit of gestalt!)? Even if we dissect every part that constitutes a specific thing will we be able to explain it as a 1 to 0 relation and the whole of those parts will always be equal to the sum of those same parts?
Are we really based on certainty?…is there always a + and a -? there always a black or a white?...
Computers run on 1 and 0…do we too? I don’t know why, but I doubt it…

So I starting to believe that I will never be able to give you anything concrete…I will never be able to give you a secure answer. My answer will always lay in-between 1 and 0…sometimes closer to 1, sometimes closer to 0, sometimes just in-between…

Welcome and thank you for reading…

1=2 as 2+2=5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is this -dead now- greek writer, Odesseas Eletes, he writes: 'even the edge has its middle point'
(translations always suck, but do you see his point?)
To me this means that even in the most absolute statement, one can find subjectivity, a reasuring relativity which affords humans, not computers.
Thanx for your ideas, very inspiring!

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nothing seems to separate us so clearly from other forms of life on earth as our consciousness, yet perhaps nothing so connects us, either", Andrew P. Smith. Xonéx.

2:37 PM  

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