Monday, December 20, 2004

The year of te rollercoaster.

As the end of a calendar year starts to narrow, al of us start to make a balance of what was were the positive and negative moments of the past year…there are many things that I could start to emphasize, but I will not…I will keep them private.

Even so I could start to look at the initial trimester as a very negative period of my life, or better, I slowly rolled to the top of a rollercoaster mountain, accepting the beginning of a new year…like when we ride a rollercoaster, it always starts with the climbing of the mountain, slowly going to the top as we start to accept that we are fastened to that little cart and that suddenly we will drop.

The drop was heavy, on several battles…but I believe I became stronger…I’m closer to what I really want to be…I’m starting to stabilize and gaining centre in my sphere…the rough, tumultuous and unstable road is clearing…a plain asphalt road seems to lay ahead of me…

Inevitably, 2004 will stay as the year that I was close to build a family, the year I lost my last grand parent (my precious Belgian grandmother); the year I badly hurt and disrespected one of the most important persons in my life; the year I met some precious persons; the year I behaved as an adolescent again (positively and negatively); the year I graduated; the year I re-met some of my best friends that live abroad; the year Portugal nearly won the European Football Championship – and the way I couldn’t enjoy that championship; the year I started a new faze in my life; a year where a lot happened! THE YEAR OF THE ROLLERCOASTER!

How will be the next one? Nobody knows!
Do I want it to be different than 2004? Maybe I don’t.
I just want my cart to keep rolling, and I hope all of your carts role too. I’ll accept life as it comes to me making the best out of it, because I still believe I drive this cart most of the time, I role this sphere, even if it is a bumpy road.
Take care, all of you and enjoy what’s left of 2004 cause your not in 2005 yet!
Kisses and hugs; Love, peace and empathy; Loads of respect!



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