Tuesday, February 01, 2005

…i make silence seem louder as i try listening to it…

This past days have been swallowed by strange feelings, associated with different things happening in me and to my friends…on the other side, I’m more concentrated on silence than on noise…it’s like living in a bubble watching the world outside move, but in reality its me that is moving…like looking outside the window of a moving vehicle while listening to a song that matches the movement. The world appears to be moving and we are still inside the vehicle, the birds dance in the air, the trees dance in the wind, the bugs’ splash on the front window…my brain is retarded by the digesting process of the first month of the year that just started but has already passed. Time, the fourth dimension of our existence, is so difficult to quantify…to feel as equal for each and every one of us. To enjoy equally independently from our state of mind…

Last year I was in great pain…this year started much better. Even so, numbers and figures usually organize my way of functioning…I can’t avoid everything that went on last year and even two years ago. “I seem to be amplifying my madness!” performed by Funami in “Happy dog”…the rational being we are, will never be able to take over the emotional being we reside in, thankfully!
This year, that is what really matters, the discovery continues, and I can not complain…life smiled to me.

But instead of amplifying the sounds around me I focus on the silence behind it…I centre my attention on it, and make the sounds turn into real silence to my mind. A process of reversion that makes everything more difficult…I stop my sphere and let the ground move…when I focus too long on silence I stop, make me wake up and gain notion of the different songs that surround me…a rational process, not an emotional one…that’s why I return frequently to the stand still point.

I don’t believe much in this sentence, but I like it, cause it made me think:
“Beauty is for those who want to see.” Performed by Funami in “Far from rio”

Take care, all of you and enjoy February, the month of carnival. We can always dress up as the person we always wanted to be…or not.

The pure I.M.H.

P.S. - A big hug to A., I know she needs it right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly enjoyed the fact that you focused time dimension, because it is all that significantly matters. The way it is enjoyed and used depends on each single soul, and on each one state of mind. Time can be employed to do several stupid things, such as giving importance to irrelevant things, when we should be employing our time giving importance to more pleasant things, such as giving feedback to a smile life might have given to us. But sometimes we don’t look to it, or even better, we look but we don’t think about it, and not thinking is the worst thing we can do as human beings. Thought….that’s what distinguishes us from other beings, they are our most inner part because others only know them if we speak or if we write them down. You say that life smiled to you this year, but maybe it had already happened, but your state of mind didn’t let you see it…
About the sentence you quoted….the truth is that Beauty is an abstract concept, it is as well ambiguous, as many other things in our lives. The sentence made me think as well…(here is the importance of thought) I believe that beauty is not only for those who want to see it, it is for every single soul. Beauty can’t be defined but we go around and try to do it…it is everywhere, in everyone; we just need to think and to look for it. It’s like magic, when you less expect something to appear it shows up, and you discover that it was there all the time.

11:18 AM  

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