Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The sphere inside-out v.s. outside-in...

The sphere that lives and floats in liquid…or maybe some other kind of substance (but I believe liquid gives a better impression of what I want to mean!). Dependant on the surface, of the movement, and now the substance it resides in…the inside liquid and the outside one…gaining centre in a thicker liquid is harder than in air…but if it is the inside of the sphere that is filled with a more dense substance makes it harder to gain centre when we are off it…if we are centred than it’s harder to get off centre, we have a bigger reaction time cause we will move slower, if it is the outside of the sphere that is swallowed in a thicker substance, that it’s harder to move around. The problem is two very different densities outside and inside…maybe the most difficult situation is to have a very dense inside, being off centre, and a very low resistance outside, making the things outside happen very fast that we have no time to react cause we’re fighting inside…of course this can become very positive, due to an incapability to act wrong…all the situations have positive and negative things…now I can imagine loads of possible outcomes for this situations with this different variables:
1) Being centre or off centre inside the sphere
2) The density of the substance that fills the inside of the sphere
a. This will also affect the variable speed while moving inside the sphere and the effort put into the movement.
3) The density of the substance that surrounds the sphere (this can be very different from other spheres, but normally one outside substance affects all the spheres that on a certain moment in time surround a certain sphere).
a. This will also affect the variable speed of the sphere, and the effort put in it to move in relation to the outside.
4) The surface where the sphere is moving on.

This is gaining more and more consistency…I’m pleased with it…cause I’m imploding while exploding into new mutations of my existence…I scream of positive hysteria…I want turbulence…“There is a space here, there is a void, I need to find a little more time, give me time!” Tom Barman sings in the song Dreamsequence #1 performed by dEUS on the album “The ideal crash”
Thanx for smiling at me and making me dream,



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