Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Isn't it everyone's fault?

Could i write about something different if it’s just our daily torment for the past 5 days! Yes, and I mean “our” because it’s not only my concern or preoccupation!
For the past days, fire has been surrounding the northern town of Portugal, Viana do Castelo. No end appears to be near…rain, as most of us repulse during summertime, doesn’t want to show up…of course, it’s not her season!
But “why?”, most of us ask! Is there an answer…fear absorb us as we imagine to lose everything in minutes…everyone has a solution but there are few who really do something…everyone has someone to accuse, as there are few who look at what they did wrong! No-one feels responsible, but aren’t we all responsible? I responsible for my fear as I’m also responsible for my happiness, my hunger, my itching, my love, my tears…my existence…It’s not the time to let fear paralyse…it’s the time for fear to help us act in a positive way!
Isn’t it everyone’s fault as no-one realises that nothing is in it’s right place!

Past month has been amazing and really fulfilling…and of course it couldn’t end with stability cause every energy tends to homeostasis, and my sphere was just floating to far away into lunar eclipse…now I’m close to step on lunar soil!

This is a daylight post…This is a reflection I.M.H….not really imploding!


Blogger Saleiro said...

É incrível a recusa da Protecção Civil, por motivos de seguro, à ajuda disponibilizada por três bombeiros franceses! Enfim, valeu o facto de, mesmo assim, terem sido integrados no combate a uma das frentes em Viana.

10:24 PM  

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