Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A stupid honest one.

Numbers…ruling the way I function, as I said yesterday…I would like, that the person that visits this blog, and becomes number 100 on the hit counter would let a small message, or just the name, on a comment. Just Mutant suppositions I like to make.

These days have been days of reflection and catharsis…I settled for this year a quite difficult task for me: To be as honest as possible. Curiously, the movie I saw in January and stained in my mind is a very honest movie. It’s called “Closer” directed by Mike Nichols…
Being honest is really transporting me to a state of chaos…it’s a mutation process that is confronting not just my present, but also my past. The energies from the “strings theories” appear to have reached several distances and everyone is asking me questions about me and my past – and now I have to be honest! Some of you that are reading this are probably thinking that till now you’ve handling with a big hypocrite! I don’t believe so, but it’s the little omissions, denials and lies from our daily life that I’m here speaking about. It’s about the little things that keep the inside and outside of our sphere more stable and do not really hurt, they just itch sometimes. Giving up on them is really difficult, because of the chaos their absence leads us to…but on the other side, some things are easier.

I’m feeling this is a stupid post, but I feel like posting it anyway…
Sorry for wasting your time this time, or maybe not...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not avoid to instantanneously comment this last post. What´s going on???? It does not seem the Imploding Mutant Hysteria, neither the Talkshow Host. I just don't find the hypocrite. You have already explained that this blog is reaching, somehow, dimensions you never expected to. One single post can result in different and several comments. The post is personal, thus you write about what you want. Who wants reads it, who doesn't want goes to another homepage: everyone is free to chose. You write about your own life, but you don't have to answer about it if someone asks for. Think about this...

11:30 AM  
Blogger me said...

noun [U]
the quality of being honest:
I appreciate your honesty.
I must tell you in all honesty (= truthfully and hiding nothing) that there is little chance of the scheme being approved.

Well, I hope you don't mind but I decided to start my comment with the definition of HONESTY, which seems to be your target this year. Well, the truth is that I don't believe that someone can be 100% honest.In spite of having a definition in the Oxford Dictionary,among others, I think Honesty is something almost impossible to define, almost impossible as other concepts such as love, peace, happiness (not to talk of other literary concepts).
I'm not saying that I don't believe in you, first because I don't even know you and second because you are being honest when you say that you are trying to be honest.
You called this post «stupid» but I don't think so...I don't know if my opinions matters but, I like it...

10:48 PM  
Blogger Imploding Mutant Hysteria said...

Every post matters, every opinion matters...thanks a lot, whoever you are!?

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This seems ridiculous to me because it's the second time I post a comment on the same post but...I feel I did not like the other one I wrote...
You talk about "Closer" as an honest movie....but I do not agree with you. The movie is not amazing but I enjoyed it, it made me reflect about the way human beings lack honesty. Obviously "pure honesty" does not exist, but we shoul be, at least, honest with ourselves, that's what I am talking about...We must be honest with ourselves, and then with others.
You referred, as well, catharsis...and this concept makes me remember what I have learnt on Literary Theory. To understand the concept of catharsis we need to be aware of the context in which tragedy representation used to take place in Ancient Greek: tragedies were part of big parties where drunkenness was commom. In this situation the spectator used to easily identify himself with the tragic character, what lead to an emotional uncontrol and to frenetical behaviors. Acording to Aristotle the identification of the spectator with the character has a curative action. Through catharsis, or purgation, the individual would get free from the excess and from the violence of irrational strengths. In real life things do not happen this way...but we can always identify ourselves with someone....and it does not have to happen during a tragedy representation.


10:27 AM  

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