Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Collapse & Combust...

Felling suspicious on the way everything moves, makes me question why? Why I have a will to breath, a will to smell, to taste, to feel, to see, to hear, to move, to stand still, to look, to listen, to wish, to gain, to lose, to pursuit, to follow, to shout, to crave, to love, to be loved, to be hated, to grab, to fear, to face, to show, to exhibit, to annoy, to insist, to give up, to declare, to smile, to kiss, to kiss and taste, to touch, to fuck, to throw up, to drink, to push, to be pushed, to bite, to lick, to cry, to deny, to … to … to be everything I want to be…the difficulty resides in being it at the right time, at the right place…
I usually ask why? At that time, in that place, why did or didn’t I act like that? We question ourselves in a constant trial towards a greater perfectionism.
I suppose a repeated action should become better and better if it is repeated, but curiously I keep on making the same mistakes all over and over again. The only difference is that now I’m able to look at them and laugh instead of punishing myself. The basis of all this is that The Mirror Conspiracy is gaining a different perspective as I evolve into various Mutations of an Imploding Hysteria. The analysis of silence gave me a new way to look into a Mirror and understand the sphere that roles inside the conspiracy. Welcome to an harmonised chaos, and I’m glad you’re all becoming part of it.
I feel 1 is becoming closer to 2 as the sum of (1+1)+2=5.

“When you’re on top of the world sometimes you forget to check out the view!”
Funami, in "Top of the world".

To stabilize is to die, and to die is noise as silence whispers into our senses chaotic harmonized songs that makes our brain spin into unexpected directions.



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