Thursday, February 24, 2005

Unleash a/the dream.

Dreams…are they what we want to be or things that already are?
Sometimes, I walk around not understanding if the moment I’m living is reality or a dream. But aren’t dreams things that we desire to happen or digestions of our daily life? So couldn’t life be all art of a dream instead of life being a part of life?

In things I desire I’m used to not being able to easily reach them…most of the times I’m not able to reach them at all, so I dream about them! So my dream becomes reality and my reality drowns in the dream I, in a persistent form, want to become reality. So the real fuel to move my sphere in the direction of the dream I pursuit lies in a fantasy, of a future I want to become…so, all my live will resides in a ability of my brain to predict a supposed future I work towards!

Tonight I’m going to dream of something new, or maybe not…I’m just going to let my brain float towards a future that awaits me…I know part of my recent future and who belongs in it…who are you drawing inside your future? Do you really want to dream that? Desire is something that moves us and sometimes unleashing it could expand the dreams we want to have. Just don’t stop dreaming…so you can look in he mirror in the morning and smile at the conspiracy as your sphere stabilizes due to all the unleashed desires and wishes.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our life and experiences modulate most of our dreams, as well as adenosine modulates neurotransmission!!!
Life cannot be part of a dream, as well as a dream cannot be part of life. They are different things, which complement each other… We cannot put one of them apart. Probably it would be much easier if things we desire (and that most of the times happen in our dreams) would come true in real life. Why things have to be, most of the times so difficult??? I don’t know, but at the same time I suppose that difficulty is what makes things valuable…at least it is in this sense that I try to think and to rule myself.
I truly believe that at least a great majority of human beings live in a paradoxal carpe diem. We truly want to think only about the present, but we are unable to do that. Future…whatever it is…crashes all the carpe diem “theories”. I would like to spend at least one day of my life following the carpe diem “theory”. There are so few moments in my life in which I do not think about the future….but I believe it is unconscious, I do not make those thoughts to appear. This is the mystery of our mind…unexpected thoughts and feelings. Can we truly know part of our future??? What we know is the way we would like it to be, and with who we would like to share it. We never know what will happen….even in dreams. Sometimes something ridiculous happens… I want to dream about something which I would like to happen in real life, but my brain simply doesn’t care about that…and I dream about something completely different.
“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
Carl Jung. (1962). Memories, Dreams, Reflections.

4:16 PM  
Blogger me said...

Many people say that they never dream. I don’t belive that, I think everyone has dreams but, while some of us remember them in the morning or during the day, others never remember. Well, I have dreams and I can remember them when I wake up…sometimes I spend more time in bed in order to keep dreaming…it is stupid, I know, but many times this is the only way of having a lot of things. And, what are these things?! Dream stuff, I know, nothing more, because I wouldn’t have to stay in bed «dreaming» if I was not dreaming with things that I can not achieve…many times with the person I love (because love doesn’t depend on one person only!)
According to Aristotle art is a mimesys of the real world, sometimes he doubts whether the real world does exist or it is created. The main questions is: where does the real world begin and where does the mimesys begin? I think we can say that dreams are our personal way of creating/ improving our own world… «mimesys» also works on dreams, we never know where the reality stops and the «dream land» prevails because a dream today can be a fact tomorrow.
I think «carpe diem» is an illusion…just possible in an idyllic society that doesn’t exist nowadays. But, I think I know where would be possible an idyllic «carpe diem»…in theocritan and virgilian’s arcadia, somewere in Sicilia. But we aren’t shepherds and the only think we can do is to dream with the present, some times with the past and many times with the future…and not to live in a «carpe diem».
I’m studying dreams’ role, among other things, in the construction of a genre that, maybe, «died» in the 12/14th century. You can not image how close your opinion about dreams is of that of virgilian and theocritus’ shepherds (no ofense!).
In short, I liked your post!

10:20 PM  

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