Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Realizations of a “New Year”

Silence has taken over this blog for some time now…on purpose? Maybe sometimes…my sphere has been riding a very unstable rollercoaster were I’ve had difficulty to hang on to…I jumped of the moving train into a rollercoaster. But what more can someone wish for than extreme feelings, stomach aches, heart cravings and mind floatings!?

I’ve realized how immature I am in the past week…how dreamy my world is…how happy I can be with few, and how unhappy I can become when that little, but at the same time so big piece of the puzzle, is missing!

The past weeks have also been of structuring the past, getting in contact with it…realizing what I was, what I’ve learned, what I still fall into…stumble with happiness and at the end smile. Past Saturday, someone very special told me: At the end, what matters are the people! This may seem a casual sentence if it wasn’t with the intensity she told me…and it means what it means…nothing besides it, just that, loud and clear.

For me, the year always starts around now! September-October…maybe that is due to the child I am and the bonding I have with school!
So now I tell you, I’m in a new year…a hard one I feel…nothing is crucial, but it will be quite determinant for my existence…
And, as all that matters are the people, I would like to thank you all, from north to south, passing through the center and over the border! I love some of you so much that I would kiss you on the lips. Thanks for being there.


P.S. – I’m still being as honest as I can…but it's so hard when apparently I can loose everything I now mostly wish for.


Blogger nuno cruz said...

:: For me the year also starts around now... The best season is arriving... As I told you the other day, this is the “passion season”... The season where we finally die to reborn in another level, a new one…
:: I really hope that this new start brings you a lot of new and god experiences, intensive ones ;)
:: A big hug

9:42 PM  
Blogger celofane said...

Pois é calha a todos!! Deixa estar que isso passa (ou não!?) Olha mulheres há muitas! Esta frase a gora não faz sentido não é, mas é mesmo assim, oamor. Dói mas é bom!
Abraços :))

11:11 AM  

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