Tuesday, January 10, 2006

In a matter of speaking...

Spheres, hotel rooms that lead us towards 2046, rented rooms…time passes and sometimes we don’t even realize how it does, on other times it just takes so long to pass!
It has been a while now since I wrote here the last time, especially if we look at the near past vomiting that went thru here…ok, I could make myself look strong and stable and say that the things that happen to me the past days were so private that I did not want to publish them here…even this is not completely wrong and I wouldn’t be very dishonest by writing this, the truth is that I’ve been away from my night-awaken-floating…

But I still believe in 2046 Hotel rooms…in discovering them…the way elliptic-spheres role inside them…how different kind of hotels make it more or less difficult to discover their interiors…how the spheres are moving affects the way the hotel is perceived! How the way our feeling affect so much our rolling, our capability to open doors…how we all should be aware of our hotel, of the infrastructure that constitutes it, it’s decoration, what kind of people pass by…how we learn from those experiences…and never be afraid of room 2046.
I was never afraid of room 2046 and the sphere that lives in it, but I’m afraid of myself…that’s what I am always afraid of: not the others, but me.
I LOVE YOU b and I'm so happy that you are letting me love you (Xavier)
To yOU I dedicate: In a matter of speaking, performed by Nouvelle Vague



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