Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Retrieved on 30th November 2005 at 12h19m

Once you called me your "Portuguese Musashi"...
I'm fighting to still be it!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

From me to you...

For you. Because I LOVE YOU
Retrived on the 29th of November 2005 at 10h43m

Monday, November 28, 2005

Why no words may be necessary?

This is the movie I mentioned in my previous post. (and how I would have loved to have seen it with yOU. Maybe some other day)
I don’t care how others think how good or bad it may be, to me it’s another very good Kim Ki-Duk movie (by "others" I mean people who aren't close to my sphere, of course I care what all of you think). I want to see it again…soon. NO WORDS ARE NECESSARY. I was hit by the 3-iron (even I play better with the 7-iron).


No words are necessary...

Picture of and by I.M.H. for Time Fractions
Today I saw a movie that once more showed me that sometimes words say too much…sometimes we just have to feel, look, smell, touch…gently.

And I do it at the sound of Lisa Gerrard, The Mirror Pool …“Sanvean” of course for you, because I’m smiling with you every time you enjoy every single moment of your present existence. I miss you…but I’m so happy because I nearly can feel you smile from you want to feel me smile for you? Look into my eyes, they say much more than my words.


P.S. - It’s not the exact picture…but it’s the closest to what I wanted to show.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I've been writing too much!


Silent I.M.H.

Big Missed-take...

Post removed by I.M.H.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Notes unhidden and hidden for an enchanted samurai...

Post removed by I.M.H.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Explanations for silence.

Photograph by I.M.H. and Time Fractions

Sigur Rós concert, Lisbon, Coliseu dos Recreios, 20 November 2005

I don’t want to be misunderstood…my past post is something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while, cause I believe I have a problem managing with silence and patience in certain circumstances…i want everything right now and here.

At the same time, I am fascinated by silence as whatever it can be…the perception of silence, does it really exist? And that is why I wrote that previous post.
Of course, the distance and the silence that becomes from that I can not deny it makes me miss yOU…but I think I can handle it by making myself believe it’s necessary!

Still about the amazing Sunday night concert, that also had amazing perceptual silences (but not emotional ones) I want to leave this picture here…


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Silence can be.

Silence can be…TAKK
Silence can be peace…silence can be reflection…silence can be distance…silence can be absence…silence can be noise…silence can be me…silence can be you…it can mean everything or just nothing…silence can be a moment…silence can become eternal…silence can be space…silence can be looked at…silence can become anxiety…silence can become smiley…silence can be cold…silence can be so warm…silence can be presence…silence can be lOVE…silence can be hate…silence can be doubt…silence can be certainty…silence can be comfortable…silence can be disturbing…silence can be music…silence can be visual…silence can be smelled…silence can be touched…silence can be reached…silence can become unreachable…silence can be paused…silence can be broken…silence can be heard (or that is not silence?)…silence can be chill…silence can come in every colour…silence can be rain, sea bottom, sunny or thunderstorm…silence I want to hear, silence I do not want to feel…silence I want to shout…but silence I want to respect.


P.S. – Takk X. pelo coment de ontem à noite. Abraço-te.
P.S. – Sigur Rós: Lisbon, Sunday, 20th November 2005, Coliseu dos Recreios, 22h00m until 23h59m. One of the most amazing concerts of my life, if not the most amazing emotionally…Here I felt one of the most amazing silences of my life…I just started crying (literally) while I’m writing this sentence, and I can not stop…I don’t know why! I’m not sad…I’m not happy…I’m just amazed and overwhelmed emotionally by the force, the power of this music. Of course, yOU were there with me and the consequence that had on me I can not measure. Takk to Sigur Rós for making all this emotions possible.
To all of you I dedicate: “Saeglopur” from the album Takk.
To yOU I dedicate “Ny Batteri” from the album Agaetis Byrjun.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

A carta que escrevi para ti "b".

Hoje escrevi-te uma carta que guardo para quando ma pedires. AMO-TE bERTA, e apetece-me grita-lo ao mundo, mas digo-o de forma escondida.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

An enchanted samurais sword.

A Samurais Swords gently cuts the air into two parts…
My head hurts like it hadn’t done for the past year…something went wrong last night so I gained this state of physical pain…
I can not sleep…I am warm and cold at the same time.
I would like to cut my head off with a samurai’s sword so I could get rid of this pain…
My sphere is being cut into several pieces (in a positive way I'm discovering parts and sides of the sphere I did not know existed)…I’m lost into someone…someone that is so special, so unique…………someone I love.

Well, I have no physical availability to continue writing…sorry for being so silent and absent, but I don’t know where I am…

I.M.H. in physical pain…

Monday, November 07, 2005

Monday Daylight Crash

I’m tired…physically, psychologically…don’t miss understand me, all this is due to some work I have been doing…nothing to do with tiredness of life, of whatever depressive state this might be misunderstood for.
The spheres are rolling, and rolling, in amore independent way…I feel more distance of everyone…I feel not looser, but more distant, with no will to communicate so much…I also don’t have much to say…
On the other hand, my sphere feels heavier…not so unstable…and that makes me see things the other way…
What can I tell every one of you that you mostly haven’t realized by reading this past posts! That my heart beats for someone that has rocked my sphere in every direction…I don’t want to talk about this here, because all I feel belongs to me and you, yes you! But it mostly feels good!
So I’m leaving my blog more silent…due to a lot of factors…even I feel I want to write about a lot of things, some of them are so personal that I can not make them public…when all this is digested and stabilized, I will think how it all affected the spheres movement and existence.

A daylight I.M.H.

P.S. – Antony’s concert one week ago was not amazing, but was very good of course…on the other side, Seu Jorge was emotionally amazing…really CRU!