So for the past 3 weeks I’ve been much less of an Imploding Mutant Hysteria…
And of course all of you now know why in a direct form…
For the past three weeks I’ve been discovering other parts of me…not so imploding ones…it doesn’t mean better ones sometimes…(I became aware of how I pre-judge certain situations based on all my past experiences that have nothing to do with the present situations)…within the sphere I am always discovering, reflecting, developing, destroying…imploding-expanding…mutating-degenerating…
So my sphere arises for a complete new episode in my life…my hotel has been blossoming and alive…the sun shines outside…the smoothness of everything I’m feeling resides on the compatibility within spheres and by letting them role inside hotels of hotels that themselves are inside-out hotels…room 2046 is not for rent, it has been bought for the person that just amazingly rolled, pushed, pulled, threw, called and keeps on shaking my sphere across my own hotel (I mean this in a very positive way, don’t misunderstand me)…
This is not a unidirectional post but a post that wants to reach everybody…
Let your spheres be your hotels to guests…don’t be afraid of room 2046…don’t be afraid of being yourselves…don’t be afraid to role, to push and be pushed, to pull and to be pulled, to throw and to be thrown across hotels…across rooms…call and respond to calls…shake…and mostly after I let myself loose, I was more and more confronted with 1 = 2 as 2+2 = 5 leading towards 9/3 = 4 while 4x4 = 21…just “Fitter; Happier, More Productive…” from the Radiohead album OK computer on the track “Fitter, Happier”.