Tuesday, January 25, 2005

O Timeo.

“O criador tornou o mundo na forma de uma esfera, na qual as extremidades estão todas a igual distância do centro. A forma circular sendo a mais perfeita de todas e a mais semelhante a ela mesma, ele escolheu-a porque pensava que o semelhante é infinitamente mais belo do que o dissemelhante. No centro ele colocou uma alma, e fez do mundo um círculo movendo-se em círculo único e solitário pois em virtude da sua excelência é capaz de viver sozinho, com ele mesmo, sem ter necessidade doutra pessoa e quanto a conhecimentos e a amigos, basta-lhe a si próprio.
Resolveu fazer uma imagem móvel da eternidade e assim ao mesmo tempo que organizava o céu ele fez a eternidade que subsiste na unidade, esta imitação de eternidade que progride segundo o número e a que nós chamamos o tempo: dias, noites, meses, anos…as formas do tempo que imitam a eternidade, desenrolando-se em círculo segundo o número. O tempo, pois, nasceu com o céu para que nascidos conjuntamente, sejam também dissolvidos conjuntamente, se deverem um dia ser dissolvidos.” Platão, o Timeo.
Lisboa, estação de Metro - Parque, sentido Amadora Este → Baixa-Chiado.

...burnout.....towards the of noise silence...

The difference between every personality i assume lays in every single bit that makes them all look alike!
The past days I haven’t been able to ride the Imploding Mutant I was becoming…I am closer to the Talkshow Host that has characterized me over the past years. But thinking about it makes me realize I’m all of them in one…

My post “The noise of silence…” has received curious feedback from different sources and resources. I never believed it would have such an impact on every single soul that dignifies to visit my blog.
I draw two new poles in the way we perceive the world: me ---everyone else (infinite). We interpret the world in conformity to the poles that unbalance us the most…like everything we look for homeostasis. If it lies in us, we interpret in function to us…is it lies in everyone else, we go that way so we don’t unstabilize our sphere…I KNOW THIS SEEMS VERY OBVIOUS, but I give you all a challenge: When we’re making out new conclusions lets try to draw them the other way, that is, from the perspective that suits us the least! Were will we get? More and more unstable or a stronger chaotic stability? Maybe just nowhere! Can we get away from the perspective that suits us the least?

I.M.H. and everyone else.

P.S. – There are some new physics theories that the experts on the matter say that will turn all our paradigms upside down. From the Strings Theories to the Pioneer satellites slowing down in the universe in opposite to all mathematic calculations! Is it possible we are reaching a new era in mankind development? Will the big physics theories fall to pieces? I’m really thrilled about these new findings, or better some people seem to know this for decades but just now they have been able to confirm it! More chaos leads to a higher level of development and equals more stability

P.S.2 - "Change everything you are and everything you were. Your number has been called. Fights and battles have begun. Revenge will surely come, your hard times are ahead. Best, you've got to be the best. You've got to change the world, and use this chance to be heard, your time is now.
Best, you've got to be the best, you've got to change the world, and use this chance to be heard. Your time is now; Don't let yourself down and don't let yourself go,your last chance has arrived."
performed by Muse in "
Butterflies And Hurricanes"

Friday, January 21, 2005

The Living Road.

“Con toda palabra, con toda sonrisa, con toda mirada, con toda caricia, me acerco al fuego, que todo lo quema, la luz de tu cara, la luz de tu cuerpo…” Lhasa in “Con toda palabra” performed in “The Living Road”

With the words that slowly dance in my mind I can only say my blog is reaching the amazing purpose to touch every single soul in a very single and personified way! Everyone that reads this is obviously starting to build it’s own interpretation of what this blog is trying to mean, and most of all, is starting to build an image of me…yes, me the imploding mutant hysteria…I see the comments as projections of my way of living life and the way people built an interpretation of those words in a sense they correspond to their believes. So I’m learning about myself in others as I read and discuss comments about my blog…I believe you should do the same…

The biggest curiosity is that from the same post I throw online, I get completely different reactions about the same words…we interpret what we read in function of our believes, our history, or way of being and the way we are…that’s how I read and write…so let me drink from your fountains, let me receive more of you…I’m hungry…I want to know more about myself and about you…

Thanx to all who have commented directly or indirectly my new form of public expression…


P.S. – Written after spending a calm but very unexpected and pleasant evening with A and his Italian friends with an amazing night view over Lisbon and the river that bathes the city…

Friday, January 14, 2005

The incredible noise of silence...

Silence, I suppose that there exist various types…
But the most amazing silence is the one that implodes our ears and makes us deliver a soundless scream…the silence that creates sounds inside us…the silence that doesn’t want to become silence – even the search for silence is a form of sound…
I search silence to reach the most inner part of me, but I believe that the most pure silence I will never be able to reach…the most pure biological/psychological silence…not even if I would be deaf or dead! The awareness of silence is a form of sound!

But my desire to write about this theme derives from a constant crashing into the form of communication: silence…I struggle on people that deliver me silence (I promised honesty and here it goes: Yes, I’m especially referring to women!) …that deny a form of communication letting me build a conclusion made of different layers delivered from several moments of days, weeks, months, night, days, dusk, dawns…is it all a form of control or fear of becoming uncontrolled?

That’s why I created this blog, as a form of communication, because I don’t like to draw my own conclusions knowing that we fail a lot on the way we understand the world…our cognitive structures are built in a way to make our lives easier, so they adapt by the law of the least effort and the quickest homeostatic balance – but most of the times, the conclusions we generate on insufficient evidence are wrong…

So “silent people” make me draw stupid conclusions about every theme that surrounds us making me start to be reticent to that kind of “no-communication” or “communication denial”…but the world is not mine, so I respect the silent option, it just unbalances my sphere, and in a way of following the thought of my previous post: maybe this is a good thing (my sphere is moving!)…harmonic chaos, I always get to this point…so what can I say: thanx for being silent :)

Truly Imploding Mutant Hysteria in harmonized homeostatic chaos as 1=2 and 2+2=5
“Are you such a dreamer to put the world to rise? I’ll stay home forever as 2 and 2 always makes a 5 (…) Sail us to the moon!” Thom York sings with Radiohead in “2+2=5” and “Sail to the moon”.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Attraction…what pulls or pushes us towards a certain direction?
Everything is a quest for a definition, to make everything more clear and secure for us, so we know in witch direction we are running…the human being always searches for a safe ground to walk on…BUT IS EVERYTHING SO STABLE AS WE MAKE OURSELVES BELIEVE?

When on this blog I try to reach some conclusions, I’m also trying to make everything clearer but normally I start a bigger confusion inside me…but that’s how I reach stability: through chaos…my sphere has to be shaken so it can move…so I’m getting to an opposite view regarding the sphere perspective I had on previous comments: a very stable sphere is probably a dead sphere. Even so, the human functioning always looks for the stable response, the stable ground to walk on, but I believe a global situation that sometimes looks more stable has a bigger probability to tend towards a new instability…I can not believe in perfect homeostatic balanced situations: even death is a constant progress…so we search for something that that will never happen because we don’t want that situation to happen and we are not made to live in that kind of situations of complete stability. There would be a infinite number of variables that should get synchronized in a same multi-dimensional situation.
So we are pulled towards stability but pushed away from it the closer we come to it…

I look around and see people demonstrating living in a perfect homeostatic cycles but I can not believe them as I look around…being honest, first with yourself and then with others makes our cycles more stable and we can grow to a new chaos but in a higher level: I’m going to try this for the new year: to be the more honest possible, so I can grow to a new level of chaos!”
Thanx for reading
P.S. - "Staralfur" from Sigur Ros is just a very balanced song that should be listened very loudly with headphones so it can lead you towards a big and pleasant interior chaos!!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The year of the birds.

Will everythig ever be in it's right place?
“The beauty of sexuality resides in the spontaneity during conquest and the secrecy in which this conquest happens.”
Reinaldo Arenas in “Before night falls.” p. 266 (my translation!)

Why begin the year with this sentence? Well, I read it yesterday and it was the first milestone while reading! I do not know if I agree with it, I’m still reflecting on the subject…

The best for the New Year to all of you who are reading this sentence! I hope you do not implode as 1=2 mutating towards 2+2=5 as hysteria swallows us all.

The year of the birds…three moments during the first days of the year, related with birds paralyzed, for a couple of seconds my mind. The first one, me and my three companions of new year’s eve (A, M and P) saw a pigeon being killed by the fireworks! A feeling of explosion while running away from a scary moment of which you do not have any idea how it started, how it works o how it will end!
The second moment, I had just woke up and was standing on M amazing balcony. I looked at the roof of the house in from of me and 2 pigeons were flirting with each other and kissing…the moment seemed so perfect, so innocent, so intimate, so unique, so theirs, so 2, so stabilized spheres…on a same surface…in tune and synchronized.
After a great unexpected night with great persons, from my real Killo, P who is Killo’s girl, A and M, I will eternally remember. Because 2005 started well…2004 started quite well too, but I was not as stabilized as now, I was scared.

The third bird I saw on my journey Viana -> Lisbon. I was sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for the second part of the bus journey, when it stayed next to me, looking at me…trying to communicate with me…this three images walk around in my mind as milestones of the new year…I don’t know why…if I come to a conclusion, I will let you know…
But enough of me…I want more imploding mutant hysteria in the new year.

The first message of the year goes out to my grandparents who I miss a lot…
Thanx to all for reading…

Here I leave you the best wishes I received from a friend, who got it from another friend (sorry for using this without your permission but it’s too good to hide)

Para los que veo, para los que no; para con los que hablo, para los que me llaman; para con los que estudio, para los que estudian; para los que me cruzo seguido, para los que viven en mi; para los que trabajan conmigo, para los que buscan trabajo; para los que le ponen garra, para los que me enseñan a seguir adelante; para los que me hacen reír, para los que me hacen llorar; para los que han volado, para los que tienen alas; para los que sueñan, para los que luchan; para los que no soporto, para los que me soportan; para los que me aguantan pese a todo, para los que aguanto sin medidas; para los que curan, para los curados; para los que están, para los que se han ido; para los de corazón noble, para los de gran ingenio; para los que necesitan, para los que necesito; para los que juegan, para los jugados; para los que bailan, para los "maderas"; para los que actúan, para los que dirigen; para los loquitos, para los responsables; para los que tienen, para los que dan; para los que descubren, para los descubiertos; para los que me escuchan, para los que me hablan...