Is this it?
Of course that by not creating a moment, I’m maintaining one that has been created! The sphere in it’s perfect action. The soil is slick, but not too fast…I’m not centred but I don’t desire do destroy this homeostasis…this apparent balanced that exists between me and some spheres that have become closer…closer by the proximity I built, or by the proximity they’ve let me gain…but yes, I’m responsible for my actions and situations around me, not completely cause all moments depend of every piece that integrates it as every piece contributes to the whole balance.
So this unbalance you, and you…yes and you, but not you, lead me towards this balance that, as days go by I become more unbalanced…yes I would love to dance and rebalance! Do you want to dance?
Imploding into an unbalanced Mutant of elliptic spheres Hysteria…under influence of the not yet released Sigur Rós album “Takk”…yes I’m back, the holidays are over and I just wished Fall was here so we could cuddle warmly into eachother while dreaming physically distant (really distant). Yes, I’m talking to you…yes you, but you too…and you that I miss so much…and I miss you too! But not you!
So I conclude: This is not it! There is no "this"…there is only a: THAT WAS IT!